
  • 潮流
  • 2025年03月24日
  • 在过去的一周里,我还清晰地记得,那个穿越时尚生活的主题派对——深圳时尚家居设计周暨32届深圳国际家具展,在面积达160000平米的深圳会展中心上演。场内人头攒动,大咖云集,气息宏大而时尚。我尤其印象深刻的是,不仅有各种各样的馆区,比如欧美古典馆、睡眠中心体验馆、设计馆、家居饰品馆、都市实木/儿童馆,还有诸多设计秀场和众多国际设计大咖的作品展示。 比如,“东方风尚”






另外,如果free 爱 睿 的营销总监黄总监讲到,Love is the true home for children, they are doing the business of children's furniture, you must think about how to fit for children. Such as high and low, open and close convenience and safety of the furniture, as well as the cycle of use. For example, Love 's furniture can be used from a few years old to tens of years old without any problem. The goal is always to help children grow up safely and healthily. They will never take the road of "children's decoration".

Finally, it is also ifree 爱 睿's initial intention: helping children develop good habits from an early age - such as DIY skills that encourage creativity in their imagination; cultivating unique personalities and excellent aesthetic abilities.

According to Mr. Liao's memory, ifree 爱 睿 's booth was crowded with people almost unable to move forward. Dealers from all over China were talking enthusiastically with ifree 爱 睿' s staff about joining them; some dealers even signed partnership agreements on the spot. Many people praised this unique airplane-shaped door design that attracted curiosity visitors into exhibition halls to explore further.

Moreover, Mr. Huang mentioned that this inspiration for airplane exterior design came from their "Wandering World" themed room which is part of their story about innovative buckle design many people couldn't help but stop by this high-end child furniture for photo opportunities while many parents brought their kids directly experienced its magic assembly function.

Even some suites were bought on site by buyers who hung up "sample sold" signs on beds immediately after purchase.

With "intelligence", "curiosity", and "fun" design philosophy and self-contained high aesthetics attribute, iffree愛睜 won recognition from everyone around him - truly what he deservedly earned his name through hard work!
