小脸型(耳垂到下巴小于7.5厘米): 简约短发
方脸: 齐耳短发
V形脸: 中分韩式short hair
长一副V形面孔的小妹妹不留short hair就真的可惜了。中分设计的刘海完美衬托出一张精致面孔,再与两边蓬松内扣short hair搭配,不仅修颜瘦面,更拉长面孔,让五官立体显眼。
胖嘟嘟小face: 直short hair
对于胖嘟嘟的小face来说,short hair会是一个非常好的修容选择。比如这一款直short hair,它长度刚好抵达下巴,可以很好地包裹住整个face。而斜刘海和两侧直hair更加有效地消去额头线条,使整体轮廓看起来更加流畅。此外,一抹浅色或深色的染色,也能为你的look增添几分时尚感!
鹅蛋face: 齐脖straight short hair
鹅蛋face是一种相对完善且许多女孩梦寐以求的一种faceshape,因此在选择 hairstyles 时也拥有更多自由。其中一种方案便是在试验不同类型中的简约风齐脖straight short haircut。这一种风格既简单又清新,对应着很多人的审美偏好。
大Face: 波波头Short Hair
尽管很多大的faces可能会因为担心自己的head shape而避免尝试任何kind of short hairstyle,但实际上这种类型也是非常适合修饰的大Face。如果你有一个大Face,那么这款波波头Short Hair将是个不错选择,它通过中央部分分开设计来调整一下太过宽阔面的感觉,从视觉角度上帮助瘦化效果。
7、瓜子Face: shoulder-length Short Hair with a touch of volume at the crown and inner layers tucked under for a sleek finish.
精致瓜子Faces最适合try out different kinds of Short Hairstyles! For instance, cutting your locks to just below the shoulders, then adding some volume on top and tucking in the inner layers for a sleek finish is an excellent choice.
本文总结了七种不同的faceshapes that are suitable for wearing short hairstyles, so if you happen to fall into one of these categories, consider yourself lucky because you have plenty of stylish options available to choose from! Even if you're not sure about going all-in on a major change like this, remember that trying out new styles can be an exciting adventure and may lead you to discover new facets (pun intended) of your personality or style!
In conclusion, don't be afraid to embrace your natural beauty by trying out different looks – after all, it's never too late to explore what works best for YOU!